What I love about
Camp Nageela

“Nageela's biggest strength is its ability to bring people of all backgrounds and demographics together for an awesome, impactful summer.”
Joseph B R , TX

“At Nageela you will experience lots of fun activities, make new awesome friendships, and have an experience of a lifetime”
Ethan P , Glenview Il

“Nageela is where I made my closest friends and met my biggest role models”
Ilana P, Minneapolis, MN

“I love nageela because it helps me be the best version of my self while having the best time”
Barby M, Miami, FL

“Camp Nageela is fun and wild ,the shabbat experience is fantastic and the counselors are fantastic ! I'm going back this year too!”
Noah B, Glendale Wi

“Camp has made me try new things and be braver than I've ever been!”
